Data protection Data Protection Policy

Contents :

1. Person responsible and content of the data protection policy
2. Contact person
3. Your rights
4. Data Security
5. Getting in touch
6. Use of your data for marketing purposes
6.1 Centralized data storage and analysis in the CRM system
6.2 Email Marketing and Newsletter
7. Disclosure to third parties and possibility of access by third parties
8. Transborder data communication
9. Retention periods
10. Special provisions relating to our website - Log data
12. Google Site Search / Google Custom Search Engine
13. Tracking and web analytics tools
13.1 General Tracking Information
13.2 Google Analytics
14. Social Media
14.1 Social media profiles
14.2 Social Media Plugins
15. Online advertising and targeting
15.1 General provisions
15.2 Google Ads
16. Use of our chat function
17. Opening a customer account
18. Ordering Products
19. Online payment processing
20. Ratings and Reviews

1. Person responsible and content of the data protection policy
We, Wonderful Nutrition, Chemin des Jonchets 1 - 1030 Bussigny - Switzerland are the operators of the website and, unless otherwise stated, are responsible for the data processing described in this data protection policy.
Please see the information below to find out what personal data we collect from you and the purposes for using it. With regard to data protection, we are primarily guided by the requirements of Swiss data protection law, in particular the Federal Data Protection Act (LPD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU, whose provisions may apply in individual cases.
Please keep in mind that the information below will be reviewed and changed from time to time. We therefore recommend that you consult this data protection policy regularly. In addition, the applicable data protection provisions provide that other companies are responsible for the processing of the individual data listed below or are jointly responsible with us. Therefore, in this case, the information of these providers is also decisive.

2. Contact person
If you have any questions about data protection or wish to exercise your rights in this regard, please contact our contact person by sending an e-mail to:
You can contact our data protection officer within the EU:
by post: Raphaël TATTEGRAIN - Wonderful Nutrition - Chemin des Jonchets 1 - 1030 Bussigny - Switzerland
by email:

3. Your rights
Subject to the fulfillment of legal requirements, you as a data subject have the following rights:
Right to information : You have the right to request free access to your personal data stored by us at any time if we process it. This gives you the opportunity to check what personal data we are processing about you and to confirm that we are using it in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.
Right of rectification : You have the right to have inaccurate or incomplete personal data rectified and to be informed of the rectification. In this case, we will inform the recipients of the data concerned of the rectifications made, unless this is impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

Right to erasure : You have the right to have your personal data erased in certain circumstances. In special cases, for example in the case of statutory retention requirements, the right to erasure may be waived. In this case, if the conditions are met, the data may be blocked instead of deleted.
Right to restriction of processing : You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your
personal data.
Right to data portability : You have the right to receive from us the personal data that you have communicated to us, free of charge and in a readable format.
Right to object : You can object to the processing of data at any time, in particular in the context of direct marketing (eg advertising e-mails).
Right of withdrawal : In principle, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
However, processing activities based on past consent will not become unlawful following your withdrawal.
To exercise these rights, please send us an email at the following address:

Right of appeal : You have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority,
for example against the way your personal data is processed.

4. Data Security
We implement adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect personal data stored by us against loss and unlawful processing, i.e. access not authorized by third parties. Our employees and service providers commissioned by us are obliged to comply with rules of confidentiality and data protection. In addition, these people do not have access to personal data only to the extent necessary for the performance of their activities.
Our security measures are constantly adapted according to technological developments.
However, the transmission of information via the Internet and electronic means of communication always involves certain security risks and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of information thus transmitted.

5. Getting in touch
Any contact via our addresses and contact channels (e.g. e-mail, telephone or contact form contact) involves the processing of your personal data. The processing relates to the data that you make available to us, p. ex. the name of your company, your name, your function, your e-mail address or your phone number and your question. In addition, the time of receipt of the request is recorded. Mandatory information is marked with an asterisk (*) in the registration forms. contact.

We process this data exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling your request (e.g. providing information about a product, to help you execute contracts such as returning products, entering feedback on improving our service, etc.). The legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in fulfilling your request within the meaning of Article 6(1)(f) GDPR of the EU or, if it relates to the conclusion or performance of a contract, to the implementation of measures necessary within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (b) of the EU GDPR.

6. Use of your data for marketing purposes
6.1 Centralized data storage and analysis in the CRM system
If it is clearly possible to link the data to your person, we will store and link the data referred to in this data protection policy, i.e. in particular your contact details, your contract data and surfing behavior on our websites in a database centralized data. This will allow us to effectively manage customer data, respond to adequately to your concerns, to efficiently provide you with the services requested and to perform associated contracts. The legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in the management processing of user data within the meaning of Article 6(1)(f) EU GDPR.
We evaluate this data in order to develop our ranges according to your needs and to display and provide the most relevant information and offers possible. We also use methods that allow us to anticipate your possible interests and your future orders according to your use of our website. The legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in to implement marketing measures within the meaning of Article 6(1)(f) of the EU GDPR.

6.2 Email Marketing and Newsletter
If you sign up for our e-mail newsletter (e.g. when opening or in your customer account), the following data will be collected. Mandatory information is marked with a asterisk (*) in the registration form:

  • E-mail address
  • Title
  • Full name

In order to prevent abuse and to ensure that the holder of an e-mail address has given his effective consent, we use the so-called "double opt-in" for registration. After registration, you will receive an email from us containing a confirmation link. To validate your subscription to the newsletter, you will need to click on this link. If you don't click on the link confirmation within the time limit, your data will be deleted and our newsletter will not be sent to the address indicated.

By registering, you consent to the processing of this data in order to receive information about our company, our nutrition and sports offerings as well as the Herbalife Nutrition product lines associates. You may also receive invitations to participate in sweepstakes or to rate one of the aforementioned products or services. Collecting the title and name allows us to verify whether the registration corresponds to a customer account that already exists and to personalize the content of the e-mails. The connection to customer account helps us to make offers and newsletter content more relevant to you and better suited to your potential needs.

We use your data to send you emails until you withdraw your consent.
Withdrawal is possible at any time, in particular via the unsubscribe link present in all our marketing e-mails.

Our marketing emails may contain a web beacon, 1x1 pixel (tracking pixel) or helpers. similar techniques. A web beacon is an invisible graphic file that is linked to the user ID (user ID) of the person registered for the newsletter concerned. For every marketing email sent, we receive information about addresses that have not yet received the email, addresses to which it was sent and the addresses for which the sending failed. We also see what addresses opened the email, for how long and which links recipients clicked. Finally,
we receive information about addresses that have unsubscribed. We use this data to statistical purposes and to optimize advertising emails in terms of frequency, timing, structure and content. This allows us to better adapt the information and offers offered in our e-mails to the individual interests of their recipients.

The web beacon is deleted when you delete the email. To prevent the use of the web beacon
in our marketing emails, please set your email software settings to
so that HTML code is not displayed in messages if it is not already the case by default. Consult
the support sections of your email software to find out how to configure this setting, e.g.
ex. here for Microsoft Outlook.

By subscribing to the newsletter, you also agree to the statistical evaluation of the user behavior in order to optimize and adapt this publication. The legal basis of this processing is consent within the meaning of Article 6(1)(a) EU GDPR.
We use email marketing software Email from Shopify Inc 126 York St. Ottawa ON K1N 5T5 - Canada for marketing emails. Therefore, your data will be stored in a database belonging to Shopify Inc, which will allow the latter to access your data if necessary for the supply of the software and for the assistance provided in connection with its use. The legal basis of this processing is our legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6(1)(f) EU GDPR to do using the services of third-party providers.

7. Disclosure to third parties and possibility of access by third parties
Without the support of other companies, we would not be able to offer our offers in the form desired. We must therefore communicate to these companies some of your personal data in order to to be able to use their services. This communication takes place to the extent necessary to carry out the contract you requested. This is, for example, a communication to logistics companies or carriers who deliver the desired products, or to manufacturers from whom you can claim a warranty claim. The legal basis for these communications is the need to perform the contract at meaning of Article 6(1)(b) EU GDPR.
The data is also communicated to selected service providers, only in the extent necessary to provide the service. In addition, various third-party service providers are explicitly covered by this data protection policy, for example in the parts relating to the marketing. These include, for example, IT service providers (e.g., providers of software solutions), advertising agencies and consulting firms. The legal basis of this
communication is our legitimate interest in procuring services from third parties within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph 1, point f) of the EU GDPR. In addition, your data may be communicated, in particular to authorities, legal advisers
or collection agencies, if we are legally required to do so or if it is necessary to protect our rights, including to enforce rights arising from our relationship with you. Data may also be shared if another company intends to acquire all or part of our business and that this sharing is necessary to carry out due diligence checks or to complete the transaction. The legal basis for this communication is our legitimate interest in protecting our rights and to respect our obligations or to transfer some of our activities within the meaning of article 6,
paragraph 1, point f) of the EU GDPR.

8. Transborder data communication
We also reserve the right to communicate your personal data to third parties located at abroad if this is necessary to carry out the data processing provided for in this policy data protection (see in particular points 12 to 15). Of course, the legal provisions relating to the communication of personal data to third parties are respected. If the country in question does not have an adequate level of data protection, we guarantee, by concluding contractual arrangements with these companies, that your data is adequately protected.

9. Retention periods
We only keep personal data for the period necessary to carry out the processing. described in this data protection policy and based on our legitimate interest. In what concerns contractual data, the recording is covered by the legal requirements of conservation. The rules that oblige us to keep the data result from the provisions on accounting and tax regulations. According to these regulations, commercial communications, concluded contracts and accounting documents must be kept for a period of 10 years. If we
no longer need this data to perform the services on your behalf, the data will be blocked. Thus, the data can only be used if it is necessary to satisfy our retention obligations or to defend and enforce our legal interests. The data will be erased as soon as there is no longer any obligation to keep them or any legitimate interest in doing so.

10. Special Provisions Relating to Our Website - Logging Data
When you visit our website, the servers of our web host Shopify Inc 126 York St. Ottawa ON K1N 5T5 - Canada temporarily store each access in a log file (referred to as a "log file"). The data below are recorded without your intervention and stored by us until their automatic deletion:
  • the IP address of the requesting computer,
  • the date and time of access,
  • the name and URL of the file consulted,
  • the website from which the access was made, possibly with the search term used,
  • your computer's operating system and the browser you use (including the type, version and language settings),
  • the type of device in case of access by mobile phone,
  • the city or region from which the access took place,
  • the name of your internet service provider.

This data is collected and processed for the purpose of enabling the use of our website (establishing a connection), to ensure the security and stability of the system over the long term and analyze errors and performance, and allow us to optimize our website (see also last elements of point 13 ).

In the event of an attack affecting the network infrastructure of the website or in the event of suspicion of unauthorized use authorized or misuse of the website, the IP address and other data are evaluated for the purpose of explanation and defense and, if necessary, in the context of legal proceedings for the purposes of identification and in the framework of civil and penal actions brought against the users concerned.
For the purposes described above, we have a legitimate interest in data processing within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph 1, point f) of the EU GDPR.
Finally, we use cookies as well as applications and tools based on the use of cookies when you visit our website. In this context, the data described herein may also be processed. You will find more detailed information on this subject in the sections of this data protection policy, in particular in point 11.

Cookies are information files that your web browser stores on your hard drive or memory. from your computer when you visit our website. Cookies are associated with numbers identification that allows you to recognize your browser and read the information contained in the cookies.
Cookies help, among other things, to make your visit to our website easier, more pleasant and more relevant. We use cookies for various purposes that are necessary for the use you want do on our website, i.e. which are "technically necessary". For example, we use cookies that allow us to identify you as a registered user after you log in without that you don't have to log in again when navigating between the different sub-pages. THE Shopping cart and checkout functionality also relies on the use of cookies. Furthermore, the cookies also perform other technical functions necessary for the operation of the website, such as the so-called "load balancing", i.e. the distribution of the load of performance of the site on different web servers in order to relieve the servers. Cookies are also used for security purposes, for example to prevent the unauthorized publication of certain content. Finally, we use cookies in the design and programming of our website, for example to allow downloading of scripts or codes.
The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in providing a user-friendly and up-to-date website within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) of the EU GDPR. Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies. However, when you access our website, we ask you to accept certain cookies that we use and which do not are not necessary for the technical operation of our site, in particular when using cookies third parties for marketing purposes. You can use the buttons located in the cookie banner to make the settings you want. The cookie banner and the following sections of this data protection policy provide information on the services and the processing of data associated with individual cookies.
You can also configure your browser so that no cookies are stored on your computer or that a message is systematically displayed when you receive a new cookie.
On the following pages you will find explanations on how you can configure the processing of cookies in the targeted browsers.

Disabling cookies may impede your use of certain features of our website.

12. Google SiteSearch / Google Custom Search Engine
This website uses the Google SiteSearch/Google Custom Search Engine tool from Google LLC (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). This tool allows us to provide you with a efficient search function on our website.
If you use our search fields, your browser may transmit data from the log file (including the IP address) listed in point 10 as well as the search term entered, to provided that Java Script is installed in your browser. If you want to prevent transmission data, you can deactivate Java Script in the browser settings (usually in the “Privacy” menu). Please keep in mind that in this case the search function and other website functions may be impaired.
The legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in providing a search function effective website within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) of the EU GDPR.

For information on the further processing of data by Google, please consult the policy of
data protection of Google:

13. Tracking and web analytics tools
13.1 General Tracking Information
We use the web analytics services listed below for the purpose of designing a website that meets your needs and to optimize it constantly. In this context, user profiles are created and cookies are used (please also note point 11). THE information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is generally transferred to a server of the service provider, where they are stored and processed together with the data of the log file listed in point 10 . Information may also be transferred to servers located abroad, e.g. ex. in the United States (see point 8, in particular on the guarantees provided).

During our data processing, we receive, among other things, the following information:

  • navigational path a visitor followed on our site (including content viewed and products selected or purchased),
  • duration of the visit to the site or sub-page,
  • sub-page on which the website is located,
  • country, region or city from which the access takes place,
  • end device (type, version, color depth, resolution, browser window width and height) and
  • returning visitor or new visitor.

The provider will use this information to evaluate the use of the website, to compile reports on activity recorded on the website on our behalf and to provide other services relating to the activity on the website and the use of the Internet for the purposes of market research and site design based on the needs. In relation to this processing, we and the suppliers may be considered in a certain extent as co-controllers under applicable data protection law. Data protection. The legal basis for this data processing using the following tools is your consent within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (a) of the EU GDPR. You can withdraw your consent or refuse processing at any time by refusing or disabling the relevant cookies in the settings of your web browser (see point 11) or by using the service-specific options described below.
For the further processing of data by the relevant provider as (solely) responsible pursuant to of the applicable data protection legislation, in particular the possible transfer of these information to third parties such as authorities subject to national laws, please consult the provider's respective data protection information.

13.2 Google Analytics
We use the web analysis service Google Analytics from Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland) or Google LLC (1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) (“Google”).

The above-described data relating to the use of the website meeting the aforementioned purposes (see point 13.1) may be transmitted to the servers of Google LLC in the United States. The activation of the IP anonymization feature (“anonymizeIP”) on this website allows the IP address to be shortened before transmission to Member States of the European Union or to other States party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address sent to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.
Users can prevent the data generated by the cookie and related to the use of the website (including the IP address) are sent to and processed by Google by downloading and installing a browser plug-in under the following link: Please click here to get more information on data protection at Google.

14. Social Media
14.1 Social media profiles
We have embedded links to our following social media profiles on our website:

  • Meta Platforms Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA;
  • Instagram Inc. 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA;

If you click on the social media icons, you will be automatically redirected to our profile respective. A direct connection is established between your browser and the server of the respective social network.
It allows the media to be informed that you have visited our website from your IP address and clicked on the link.
If you click on a link to a media while you are logged into your user account on this network, content from our website may be linked to your profile to allow the media to attribute your visit to our website directly to your account. If you want to avoid this pitfall, you must log out before clicking on the corresponding links. There is always a link between your access to our website and your user account when you connect to the network in question after clicking on the link. The respective supplier is responsible, under the applicable legislation on data protection, processing of associated data. Therefore, please note the information on the network's website.
The legal basis for any data processing that may be attributed to us is our legitimate interest in the use and promotion of our social media profiles within the meaning of Article 6(1)(f) of the EU GDPR.

14.2 Social Media Plugins
You can use social media plug-ins from the following providers on our website:

We use social media plug-ins to make it easier for you to share content from our website. Social media plugins help us to increase the visibility of our content on social networks and, in this respect, to improve our marketing operations.
Plugins are disabled by default on our websites and therefore do not send any data to networks social during a simple visit to our site. To increase data protection, we have integrated plug-ins in such a way that no connection to network servers can be automatically established. Your browser does not establish a direct connection with the network servers concerned social only when you activate the plug-ins and thus give your consent to the transmission and further processing of data by social media providers.

The content of the plug-in is transmitted directly from the social network to your browser, which integrates it into the website.
This informs the relevant provider that your browser has accessed the corresponding page of our website even if you do not have an account for this social network or are not currently connected to it. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted directly from your browser to the provider's server (usually in the USA) and stored there. We don't exercise no influence on the extent of the data that the provider collects using the plug-in, even if, from the point of view of applicable data protection legislation, we may be considered co-responsible with suppliers up to a certain point.

If you are logged into a social network, this can attribute your visit to our website directly to your user account. If you interact with the plug-ins, the corresponding information is sent directly to the provider's server for storage. The information (e.g., the fact that you liked one of our products) may also be published on the social network and displayed at other users of the media in question. The social network provider may use this information for the purpose of placing advertisements and adapting the respective offer to the needs. To this end, profiles
usage, interests and relationships could be created, for example to assess your use of our website in relation to advertisements shown to you on the social network, to inform other users of the activities you carry out on our website and to provide other services related to the use of the social network. The purpose and scope of the data collection as well as the further processing and use of data by social media providers as well as your rights in this regard and the setting options for the protection of your privacy can be viewed directly in the data protection information of the relevant provider.
If you do not want the social network provider to assign the data collected through our site Web to your user account, you must log out of the social network before activating the plug-in.
The legal basis for this processing is your consent within the meaning of Article 6(1)(a) of the EU GDPR. You can withdraw your consent at any time by declaring your wish to do so. withdraw to the plug-in provider in accordance with the information in its privacy statement Datas.

15. Online advertising and targeting
15.1 General provisions

We use the services of various companies to bring you interesting offers in line. We analyze your user behavior on our website and on the websites of other service providers to provide you with online advertising tailored to your individual needs.
Most of the technologies for tracking your user behavior (“tracking”) and for displaying targeted advertisements (“targeting”) work with cookies (see also point 11 ) which make it possible to recognize your browser on different websites. Depending on the service provider you are doing call, you may also be recognized online even when using different terminals (e.g. laptop and smartphone). This may be the case, for example, if you subscribe to a service that you use with more than one device.

In addition to the data already mentioned, which are generated when you visit websites (“log data”, point 10 ) and when you use cookies (point 11 ) and which may send back to companies that are part of the advertising networks, the following data, in particular, contribute to the selection of advertisements likely to interest you:

  • Information about you that you provide to us when you register or use an advertising partner's service (eg, your gender, age range);
  • User behavior information (e.g., search terms, interactions with advertisements , types of websites visited, products viewed and purchased, newsletters you subscribed to).

We and our service providers use this data to determine whether you belong to the group target we are addressing and take this into account when selecting which ads to display. By example, when you visit certain sites after visiting ours, advertisements relating to products that you have consulted may be offered to you (“re-targeting”). Depending on the scope of the data, a user profile can also be created and evaluated automatically. The announcements are then selected based on information stored in the profile, such as segment membership specific demographics or potential interests or behaviors. These advertisements may be presented to you on various channels which, in addition to our website or application (in the as part of on-site and in-app marketing), also includes advertisements delivered through the networks online advertisers we use, such as Google.

The data can then be evaluated for billing purposes with the service provider and for evaluate the effectiveness of advertising measures in order to better understand the needs of our users and customers and improve subsequent campaigns. They may also include information indicating an action (e.g. visiting certain sections of our website or submitting information) derives from a specific advertisement. We also receive from service providers aggregate reports on advertising activity and information about how users
interact with our website and ads.

The legal basis for this processing is your consent within the meaning of Article 6(1)(a) of the EU GDPR. You can withdraw your consent at any time by refusing or deactivating the relevant cookies in your web browser settings (see point 11). Other methods to block advertisements are also offered in the information provided by the respective service provider, e.g. Google .

15.2 Google Ads
This website uses the services of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”) for online advertising. For this purpose, Google uses cookies, e.g. cookies called "DoubleClick", which allow your browser to be recognized when you visit on other websites. Information generated by cookies about your visit to these websites (including your IP address) are transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there (until subject, please also see point 8 ). By clicking here you will find more
information on data protection offered by Google.

The legal basis for this data processing is your consent within the meaning of Article 6(1) point a) of the EU GDPR. You can withdraw your consent at any time by refusing or disabling the relevant cookies in your web browser settings (see point 11). YOU will find here other ways to block ads.

16. Use of our chat function
If you contact us by chat, your personal data will be processed. We will process the data thus made available to us, p. ex. the name of your company, your name, your function, your e-address email and your question. Additionally, the time of receipt of the request is recorded. Information Required are marked with an asterisk (*).

We process this data exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling your request (e.g. providing information about a product, helping to execute contracts such as the return of products, entering feedback on improving our service, etc.). We use a tool Shopify Inc 126 York St. Ottawa ON K1N 5T5 - Canada to provide you with the chat feature. Therefore, your data will be stored in a database of data from Shopify Inc, which will allow the latter to access it if necessary to provide the software and the assistance offered in connection with its use.

The legal basis for this data processing is our legitimate interest in the use of modern communications within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (f) of the EU GDPR or, if this bears on the conclusion or performance of a contract, the implementation of the necessary measures within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of the EU GDPR.

17. Opening a customer account
If you open a customer account on our website, we will collect the following data, mandatory information marked with an asterisk (*) in the relevant form:
Main data:
  • Title
  • Name
  • First name
  • Billing and delivery address
  • birthday day
Login data:
  • E-mail address
  • Password
Other data:
  • Sex

We use personal data to determine your identity and to verify that the conditions opening are met. The e-mail address and the password serve together as data of connection and thus ensure that the right person is using the website under your credentials. We have also need your e-mail address to verify and confirm the opening of the account and for any future communication with you in connection with the performance of the contract. In addition, these data are stored in the customer account for future contract conclusions. To this end, we allow you also store other account information (e.g. your preferred payment method).
We also use the data to provide an overview of ordered products and services purchased (see in particular points 18 and 23 ) and to offer a simple option for managing your data personal and for the purposes of managing our website and contractual relations, i.e. for the conclusion, content design, performance and modification of contracts entered into with you through your customer account.
We process language and gender information in order to provide you with offers on the website tailored to your profile or personal needs, for the statistical recording and evaluation of selected offers and for the optimization of our suggestions and offers.
The legal basis for the processing for the aforementioned purposes is your consent within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph 1, point a) of the EU GDPR. You can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting customer account information, deleting your customer account, or notifying us of your desire to remove it.
In order to prevent misuse, you must always treat your login data confidentially and close the browser window when you have finished communicating with us, especially if you are sharing your computer with other people.

18. Ordering Products
If you order products or book services on our website, we will need various data to execute your request. If you do not log in with your customer account (see point 17 ), we will collect the following data (depending on the product or service), information mandatory being indicated by an asterisk (*) in the corresponding form:

  • Title
  • Name
  • First name
  • Billing and delivery address
  • E-mail address
  • Birthday
  • Phone number

We will use the data to determine your identity before entering into a contract. We will have also need your e-mail address to confirm your order and for any communication future with you within the framework of the execution of the contract. We store your data together with the data ancillary to the order (e.g. date, order number, etc.), service data ordered/reserved (e.g. product description, price and features; the “data of the product”), payment data (e.g. selected payment method, payment confirmation and the date; see also point 19 ) as well as the information necessary for the processing and execution of the
contract (e.g. return of products, use of services or warranties, etc.) in our database CRM (see point 6.1) to ensure correct order processing and contract execution.
Insofar as this is necessary for the execution of the contract, we also communicate the information required from potential third-party service providers (e.g. transport companies).
The legal basis for this processing is the performance of the contract we have concluded with you within the meaning of Article 6(1)(b) EU GDPR.
The transmission of data that is not marked as mandatory is done on a voluntary basis.
We process this data in order to adapt our offer to your personal needs, to facilitate the execution of contracts, to contact you via an alternative communication channel if necessary for the execution of the contract or to record and evaluate statistics to optimize our offers. The legal basis of the processing of this data is your consent within the meaning of Article 6(1)(a) EU GDPR.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by notifying us.

19. Online payment processing
If you purchase services or products from our website for payment, you will need to provide other data in addition to the information mentioned in point 18 depending on the products or services in question and the desired method of payment, e.g. your credit card information or the identifier you use to log in to your payment service provider. These information and the fact that you have purchased a product or service from us for the amount and duration concerned are forwarded to the relevant payment service provider (e.g. providers of
payment solutions, credit card issuers and credit card acquirers). Consult systematically the information of the company concerned, in particular the data protection policy data and general conditions. The legal basis for this communication is the performance of a contract within the meaning of Art. 6(1)(b) EU GDPR.

In order to avoid payment problems, the required data, in particular your personal data, may also be communicated to a credit agency for automatic verification of your solvency. In this context, the credit agency can assign you a note called "score". It's about an estimate of the future risk of default, expressed for example as a percentage.
The grade is determined using mathematical and statistical methods and includes data agency credit from other sources. We reserve the right, according to the information received, not to offer you the "invoice" payment method. The legal basis for this processing is our interest legitimate to avoid payment defaults within the meaning of Art. 6, para. 1, letter f of the EU GDPR.

20. Ratings and Reviews
In order to help other users in their purchase decision and to promote quality (in particular through the treatment of negative comments), you have the opportunity to evaluate the products ordered on our website. The data that you then make available to us will be processed and published on the website, i.e. in addition to your rating and its time, possibly with the comment you have attached to your review or the name you provided.
The legal basis for the processing is your consent within the meaning of Article 6(1) lit. EU GDPR. You can withdraw your consent at any time by notifying us.
We reserve the right to delete illegal ratings and to contact you in case of suspicion, to ask you for an explanation. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in providing the comment and rating functionality and to prevent misuse when using it within the meaning of Article 6(1)(f) EU GDPR.